October is Children’s Vision Month. Dr. Farrah is on Breakfast Television Calgary with Leah Sarich discussing the importance of yearly eye exams for children. This segment is dear to our heart as we share Abby’s story. At the age of 9 years we discovered she was not seeing as well as she thought during her eye exam. She was diagnosed with a congenital macular dystrophy causing her to lose her sight in early childhood. Her mom Joel DeRaaf shares her perspective.
When Abby DeRaaf came in for her yearly eye exam, Dr. Farrah knew something was wrong. Abby was struggling with parts of the eye exam that should have been easy for her, considering she was wearing her glasses. Through Dr. Farrah’s quick thinking and the medical help Abby received, doctors were able to diagnose and treat her before the condition grew worse.
Abby’s story highlights the importance of regular eye exams, especially for children who are still growing. Read this feature from the Breakfast Television blog to learn what happened, and call Eyedeology to book an appointment for a checkup if you or your child are due for one.
More on her story can be found on our blog: