Promoting health and wellness is something we strive for at Eyedeology. Modern life is so fast paced and is full of everyday stresses. Our everyday lifestyle can have an impact on our overall health. At Eyedeology we examine each patient based on individual circumstances and also advise a balanced diet, exercise and nutritional supplements. One of our newer supplements that we have introduced is DiaVis, a unique oral formulation that provides nutritional support for patients with diabetes mellitus or those at high risk for this condition.
Diabetics have a higher risk for vision loss, the major cause of this is oxidative stress. Diabetes is a chronic condition that stems from the body’s inability to sufficiently produce or properly use insulin which the body needs to use sugar as an energy source. Diabetics can lead to serious complications and oxidative stress is a major factor.
Oxidative stress reduces the production of reactive oxygen and the body’s ability to repair resulting damage. An increase level of blood glucose can cause an overproduction of oxygen free radicals which contribute to diabetic complications. Type 1 and 2 diabetics and those with diabetic retinal changes have been found to have low antioxidant levels.
In addition to oxidative stress, a build up of fluids from swollen and leaky vessels, growth of new blood vessels and inflammation all contribute to vision loss.
The DiaVis supplements are clinically tested polyphenols with antioxidant and natural anti-inflammatory actions, that help promote strong blood vessel walls and capillaries. Other nutrients and key ingredients included in DiaVis help achieve a normal glucose metabolism; DiaVis capsules include the following:
- Quercetin- Diabetics on a high quercetin diet clinically show less DNA damage in lymphocytes (white blood cells). It also shown to protect retinal pigment epithelium and cortical cells from oxidative stress. DiaVis provides quercetin levels studied in clinical trials.
- Pink Bark Polyphenols- clinical studies of this polyphenol showed improved micro circulation and symptoms in diabetes, neuropathy and edema (swelling). It also helps strengthens leaky capillaries The level of polyphenols in DiaVis is consistent with those clinically tested.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)- may help protect against micro vascular damage. DiaVis provides high potency ALA.
- Beta-Carotene, Vit.C and Vit.E- Type 1 and 2 diabetics, diabetic retinal changes in the back of the eye can have lower blood antioxidant levels. DiaVis also includes beta-carotene since this antioxidant is lower in diabetics esp in woman. Long term use of Vit C, E is associated with reduced risk of retinopathy. DiaVis provides Vit.C in the range estimated to saturate eye tissues.
- Vitamin D- low vitamin D is more common in type 2 than type 1. Vitamin D fights inflammation and ensures healthy blood levels and reduces risk of cardiovascular disease. DiaVis supplies 800 IU daily.
- B Vitamins: Thiamin ( B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacinamide (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), Folic Acid, Cobalamin (B12), Biotin
- Thiamin plays a role in glucose metabolism
- Vitamins B1 and B2 have been linked to decrease cataract risk
- folic acid, B6 and B12 helps maintain healthy homocysteine levels. Elevated homocysteine levels have been associated with kidney failure in diabetic patients
- DiaVis has a full array of B vitamins
- Magnesium, Chromium, Zinc-Diabetics with poor glucose control have low magnesium, a mineral involved in maintaining normal endothelium function and insulin sensitivity. DiaVis delivers concentrated forms of magnesium. Zinc plays a role in insulin production, storage and secretion. It is also needed for activity of key antioxidant enzyme. Increased insulin secretion associated with greater associated zinc loss.
- Chromium helps process insulin activity.
- Lutein, Zeaxanthin- antioxidants that are located within the macular pigment of the retina, where they help filter blue (visible) light that can induce photo oxidative stress. An increase level of these antioxidants reduces the risk of cataract and macular degeneration. -Lutein also lowers retinal oxidative stress. The amount of lutein in DiaVis doubles for the average US dietary intake.
( references available at ScienceBasedHealth.com/DVref)
There are several key ingredients that target the retina of the eye. DiaVis can be taken with diabetic related medications. It is important that patients with medical conditions inform their general practioner when adding DiaVis to their daily diet. Continued monitoring of blood sugar levels and screening is still important, even though interactions between medications are very minimal, it is still important medications doses are routinely monitored.
The DiaVis supplements contain essential vitamins and minerals that may be low in diabetics. It is highly recommended that DiaVis be taken with Omega Advance supplements, a fish oil supplement that provides a concentrated source of omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, along with lutein and olive leaf extract. The ingredients in Omega Advance complement DiaVis guard against factors involved in changes to the retinal vessels and nerve cells. EPA and DHA may act against retinal loss, growth of abnormal vessels and inflammation. EPA and DHA also support cardiovascular health. Lutein has anti-inflammatory properties, while the olive leaf extract act as potent antioxidants.
DiaVis is an oral supplement formulation that offers a unique blend of antioxidants and other key nutrients to protect vision and promote overall health. The suggested use is a total of two capsules daily with meals for use by adult men and woman. Not only do we care about your eyes but your overall well being. Come in and talk to us about our wide range of supplements!