It has been a few weeks of social distancing and self-isolation for many of us so I hope everyone is doing well. While staying at home may mean less makeup and giving our skin a bit of a break it also means that some people may not have been able to keep up with their normal self-care routines. This may mean no more visits to the esthetician for facials or lash extensions which have likely started to fall out by now. If you are starting to notice thin lashes and are looking for an easy and effective way to enhance your natural lashes at home there is indeed a very convenient solution for you. Latisse is a specially formulated lash serum used to promote the growth of longer, fuller and darker eyelashes in as little as a few weeks. The product comes in a squeeze bottle and an easy to use applicator brush. You simply apply once nightly to the base of the upper lashes and soon those lashes will be looking nice and full again. If you are suffering from inadequate lashes or looking for an effective substitute for lash extensions, see the difference with Latisse. We know everyone is trying to stay home as much as possible right now to help flatten the curve so to keep safe and make things more convenient you can simply order Latisse and many other eye care products such as lid wipes and artificial tears through our online store on our website! You can easily shop the products that you need and have them shipped directly to your home. Self-care is an important part of mental wellness. We may be doing social distancing for our physical health but don’t forget to take care of your mental health as well. Do something that makes you feel good today!