Do ever think about what happens to your used contact lenses and packaging? Every year over 290 million contacts end up in Canadian landfills and waterways. That’s a lot of waste and plastic that ends up in our environment! So what can we do to keep our planet green while still maintaining good vision with contacts? Did you know that you can now recycle your used contact lenses? We are proud to announce that @eyedeology is now a participating contact lens recycling collection center as part of the Every contact counts program launched by Bausch&lomb and Terracycle.
It’s very simple, here’s how you can join the movement and participate in the first contact lens recycling program in Canada:
Step 1 : Collect your old contact lenses and blister pack with foil in a small plastic bag or drop by our office and we can provide one for you. Don’t include any solution or cardboard packaging (the latter can be included in your regular home recycling).
Step 2 : When the bag gets full, drop it off at our clinic Eyedeology in the designated bin at the front of our clinic.
Step 3 : Repeat! And feel good about doing your part to help preserve and take care of our environment.
So fill them up & drop them off … It’s that simple. We can all help to save the planet by going green.