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December 5, 2013

Want Freedom from Your Eyeglasses?

Take the Dr. Farrah and Dr. Eliza Contact Lens Challenge!

Did you know there is a contact lens that is so comfortable you may not feel anything?  Did you know there are contact lenses that can be comfortable at the end of your day?  Believe it!

A new era in contact lenses for a new era in comfort: the world’s first and only water gradient contact lens.  Come experience a breakthrough in contact lens technology that provides superior breath-ability through the core and nearly 100% water at the surface for refreshing all-day comfort.

Our Calgary Optometrists Dr. Farrah and Dr. Eliza understand how frustrating it is to experience dryness and discomfort with your contact lenses.  Hence, our Optometrists have trialed and tested this lens on themselves and several patients and have been blown away by this new technology and want to share it with you.  Both of the doctors felt the vision and comfort of the lens were beyond exceptional and both doctors were able to wear the lens comfortably despite having dry eyes!   We invite you to take the Dailies Total 1 challenge and trial it for yourself. Contact our clinic today to be personally fitted with this amazing lens.

For existing lens wearers:

  • Can you get through the day without experiencing contact lens related symptoms?
  • Can you wear your contact lenses as long as you’d like?
  • Did you drop out or reduce your wear time due to discomfort and dryness?
  • Do you often use rewetting drops to relieve discomfort during the day?
  • Would you like to wear contact lenses you would never have to clean?
  • How do your contact lenses feel fresh from the pack?  How would you like that feeling every day?

For those interested in Contact lenses:

  • Are you looking for freedom from your eyeglasses?
  • Would you like to wear contact lenses part time for sports or going out?
  • Do you participate in activities where you cannot wear your eyeglasses?  Or your eyeglasses get in the way of your lifestyle?

For anyone over 40 years of age and having trouble seeing at near, we challenge you to trial our 1 day multifocal lenses. 

Having trouble adjusting to progressives or bifocals?  We challenge you to trial our Proclear 1 Day Multifocals for freedom from your progressives/bifocals.    After fitting several patients, our doctors feel that this lens has given patients a wow factor with excellent vision and comfort.

Reviews from

“I’m a new patient of Dr. Sunderji’s, and sought out her assistance in providing replacement contact lenses. At her suggestion, I tried out daily multi-focus lenses, which I’d had no previous experience with. Finding the optimal solution which maximized my near, mid-range and distance vision took some tweaking, involving a not-inconsiderable amount of time and effort on her part. I’m extremely happy with the results, and am appreciative of her competence, helpfulness and caring.  A very positive experience!”

“At Dr. Sunderji`s suggestion, I switched from bi-weekly contact lenses to daily contact lenses. And after wearing bi-weekly contacts for the last 20 years – I have never been happier! Her examination was very focused and professional. She uses the latest technology! She adapted my treatment for the lifestyle I live (lots of reading for work and traveling). In addition, I got a pair of totally awesome TOM FORD frames from her. Everything was done in a timely fashion over my lunch break and her clinic is located in an easily accessible location. I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Sunderji to my friends and family. Thank you for everything!”

What’s stopping you?  Take the Challenge today.  Contact our office to see if you are a candidate for either of these exceptional lenses.  Be prepared to be wowed!

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