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phone Book Now
July 23, 2019


At Eyedeology we believe in preventative care and using the most up-to-date technology to help our patients maintain healthy eyes for life. This is why we have added ultra-widefield retinal imaging with the Optomap to our comprehensive eye exams. With traditional small field and even widefield imaging only 10 -100 degrees of the retina could be viewed with a single image but now with the Optomap, over 80% or 200 degrees of the retina can be seen in a single capture image. These unparalleled views and retinal imaging modalities allow us as clinicians to see more, discover more, and treat more patient diseases and pathologies, more effectively. Early detection of life-threatening and sight-threatening conditions like cancer, stroke, cardiovascular problems and ocular disorders can make all the difference in maintaining good health and preventing vision impairment. The Optomap takes less than half a second to capture an image and it is non-invasive, painless and comfortable. There is nothing that pokes or touches the eye and it is safe to perform even on young kids. If you have ever wondered what your optometrist sees when they look at the back of your eye, with the Optomap you will have the opportunity to see what we see and feel confident that you’re trusting your eyecare with some of the most advanced technology. Next time your in for your eye exam you’ll definitely have a chance to experience the Optomap!

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