Inevitably accidents will happen but there is plenty that we can do to help protect our eyes and reduce our risk for sight-threatening injuries so April is designated as eye health and safety month.
Most people believe that eye injuries occur at the workplace in locations such as factories or construction sites, however, nearly half of all eye injuries actually occur at home doing tasks related to yard work, cleaning, cooking and home repair. More than 40 percent of eye injuries every year are related to sports or recreational activities. Our eyes can be damaged by chemicals, sun exposure, dust and fast moving objects. Studies have shown that more than 90% of eye injuries can be prevented, simply by wearing the right protective eyewear. Specific eyewear and safety glasses are available for just about any activity and our experts can help you choose the appropriate eyewear for your sport or activity and make sure you have the right fit. If you’ve suffered an eye injury, be sure to book a medically necessary eye exam right away even if the injury seems minor so that we can assess the health of the eyes. Alberta Health covers medically necessary eye visits to your Optometrist for all age groups!
Protecting your eyes from injury will go a long way toward maintaining healthy vision throughout your life. To book an appointment give us a call at 597-353-5061 or email us at